Pregnancy and Postpartum Fitness PLR Pack

This PLR bundle will save you time and help make money!

50 % Commission
Launches: April 5th, 2018 @ 9:00 EST

Dear affiliates,

the pregnancy and postpartum fitness niche is evergreen and your customers are always in need of new content. There are many ways this bundle can be used such as blog articles, a long report, an e-mail course, educational videos etc.

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Fitness PLR Bundle

The bundle consists of 25 articles, 25 power point presentations ready to turn into videos, 13 product reviews and a bonus bundle of images that can be used with the articles. The articles are between 480 - 700 words long.

Your buyers get it for the starting price of just $20 (your commission is 50%) for just 7 days!

What are you promoting?

25 articles covering the following topics:

1. How can exercise help in pregnancy
2. What is the best exercise in pregnancy
3. When not to exercise in pregnancy
4. Should you walk while pregnant
5. Pregnant and swimming
6. Pregnancy yoga
7. Pregnancy Pilates
8. Aerobics and pregnancy
9. Running in pregnancy
10. Get your groove on during pregnancy
11. How Kegel exercises help during pregnancy
12. What is pregnancy massage
13. Aromatherapy and pregnancy
14. Healthy pregnancy diet - proper weight & nutrient intake
15. Healthy pregnancy diet - what to eat & what to avoid
16. How to lose weight after pregnancy
17. When to start exercise post-partum
18. Exercise after Cesarean
19. Cesarean scar issues and massage
20. Why are pelvic floor exercises important
21. What is a prolapse
22. How to get a flat stomach and why crunches are bad
23. What is a diastasis recti
24. Bind, splint or corset
25. What is post-partum depression

25 Power point presentations

These cover the topics mentioned above.

13 Product reviews

1. Mutu System
2. PostNatal Boot Camp 1 and 2
by Lindsay Brin
3. Postnatal SlimDown by Lindsay Brin
4. Lindsay Brin Complete Pregnancy Workout
5. Pretty Fierce Weight Loss with Lindsay Brin & Moms Into Fitness
6. Pretty Fierce Extreme Lean with Lindsay Brin & Moms Into Fitness
7. 30 Day Core Workout for Moms with Lindsay Brin
8. Hab It Pelvic Floor
10. Thinking Slimmer
11. Fé Fit Women
12. Squeem Perfect Waist Firm Compression Waist Trainer
13. C-Panty High Waist Incision Care C-Section Panty

                                              Bonus bundle of 47 images to go with the articles

Blanka :-)


Pregnancy and
                Postpartum Fitness PLR Bundle